NIO Stocks up to $2.?? Today

in this video article I want to discuss today's neo stocks performance and how is going so far the market hasn't closed as yet I'm still watching it avidly and you should be too because there seems to be a lot of pullback on the market in general and having looked into what's going on having covered analysis high-level analysis of majority indices or like Dow Jones for example is down like 255 points and generally there's a pullback on our stocks due to I have discovered Donald Trump's China trade war continuation after the 2020 election so that is affecting stocks as a whole because no shareholders on a trade war going on they want open free trade and they want everything to continue as a is and the woman which is all nice waters and the last country you really want to do a trade war with again your opinions view different on this is China just because Trump wants everything manufactured in the US which is not going to be possible but yeah that's how it is so what I'm doing now is looking at how neo performs because two reasons one because it's listed on the New York Stock Exchange and two because it's a Chinese company so how is it performing in a trade war situation or news of a trade war situation that from this creating or trying to create so it's very interesting to see how New York will performs during that kind of pullback volatility down to three days in a row the stocks have been declining generally there's still a few stocks that are doing well again like Google's pull back up alphabet Inc and other stocks i've seen go down today like uber for example whereas it was doing okay yesterday so that might be a different thing but yeah now I'm looking at like maybe thirty percent of the stocks that I watch pulling back up but the interesting thing to see is that out of the three days to all the stocks fall back and I know look near the dollar stock right now a penny stock a dollar stock like I always say but it's interesting to see how Neil kind of outperformed the market and never really slouched that much and by day three when other stocks or the much stronger companies as you can say are still pulling downwards having four bucks I'm falling below their support levels knee on the other hand is still pushing forward and the reason I say that is because it's hit like two dollars 51 today nor as high as $2 56 today and a rose I saw a surge from 2.38 I believe or started market up was about $2 39 2014 so it's gone all the way up to $2 56 yes a $2 50 at the moment and you know that's where exactly the stock is at today so it is during a pullback in the market neo is touching above the $2 50 mark going up to $2 56 today so now that it's touched that mark again is it showing indications of going up to $2 60 you know these these these ten cent increments may not sound like a lot but they seem to be happening like a few times every week which is how the stock got from a dollar sixty all the way up to now at almost $2 60 or edging towards so it's gonna buy a dollar since I bought in which is a dollar sixty so it is something to really think about and how it's performing during the pullback the market that is really interesting to me I if I was watching a stock and I saw it dude that amidst talks of a trade war amidst a pullback an actual pull back in the market on a halt and the stock was outperforming a pullback that's a very very positive ending that shows to me that the stock is not as affected by poor generic pull backs in the market maybe for a day or two that no stock can help like even Google was affected for a day or two but not three or four days running it might get affected another day in the week but not continue not continuous so it's not what I'm saying is not completely tied to the net that the pullback is creating which is a very positive thing for me to see that should I just added more plus points in my criteria and analysis on you hope you enjoyed this update today Neal needs to push on to $2 60 get it all about math and make sure you subscribe hit the bell icon so you get updates from me I'm covering a lot of neo I'm gonna be going into more depth about me on the background and stuff as to what the company's doing and things like that also if you're enjoying these videos leave a comment below tell me what else you want to hear about what your thoughts are on neo what your thoughts are on Tesla anything about to do with stocks I want to talk to you in the comments what do you think Neil's gonna be in the future what do you how much do you think is gonna be worth I think it's going to be a 300 to 500 dollar share price per share what do you think let me know in the comments if you're on the website make sure you comment on the post and subscribe to the email list so you get all the updates I shall see you soon


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